Mixing Money & Spirituality: My Thoughts on Charging For Your Gifts
you know you're coming into balance when the two books on your night stand are 'Crossing to Avalon' and 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind' - anyone else read these?
Q. Hi Robin, do you enjoy the way your blog has evolved in a way that allows you to generate income? Is it overwhelming or do you still have enough time to devote to yourself? I admire what you have done because I am still uncomfortable with money-related root chakra issues.
A. Hi, great question. And thank you! I love the way this space is evolving.
Making the decision to take this space (and my worth) seriously by integrating more of a masculine side of me over the past few months has changed more than just the amount of income I make. I enjoy the money because I enjoy being free, but making a profit is so much more than money. The amount of focus, learning, and self-honesty that had to happen to generate the income I am making is why my life is feeling beautiful these days. I set a goal and I reached it because I had the courage to unlearn what was taught to me and learn new skills to align with something more truthful in terms of who I am and what I want this world to be.
To answer your second question:
I don't feel overwhelmed because I came back to this space strategically. I created boundaries for everything; going as far as taking wifi out of my apartment so I couldn't work from home. I needed a clear boundary between what I share with the world and what I keep for me, even when my life lessons are at the enter of the brand I am building. Another boundary I set was around who could and could not email me; becoming a business owner has required I prioritize my time and energy. Which is actually a wonderful, necessary thing! I answer the emails I need to, and if I don't get to all of them right away because I'm out enjoying my life, that's okay.
That said, my business and its needs grew faster than I was expecting in this first quarter and I did get a bit overwhelmed last week, but because I've learned what it feels like to be balanced and know the importance of my masculine energy in staying steady on my feet, the moment I began to feel out of sorts I was able to ground down, recognize the feeling for what it was and respond (rather than react) by taking a trip to a small town to get some reprioritizing. I was also able to flex my receiving muscles (a new thing for me!!!) and ask my community if they would be willing to swap expertise to help me stay on track with my goals for 2018.
If you admire what I'm doing, consider this your invitation to join me! The pursuit of money is just a catalyst for what us empaths need. It's the things you'll learn and conquer in its pursuit (like goal-setting, boundaries, commitment/productivity, knowing the worth you bring, speaking up, receiving) that will change your understanding of how good this life can be.
I notice patterns, and lack of money is the number one reason outside fear of authenticity that keeps empaths from living their dreams, and because our dreams involve shifting this planet in some way, our shame and fear around money needs to change.
So I'm going to continue to be honest and transparent and real about how I'm growing my wealth to encourage you to do the same. Money doesn't change you. It only amplifies what you can do. And at the end of the day, if we aren't confronting our money mindsets, we are wanting change but not stepping up to change things.
Something else I noticed is that the more I celebrate money and the masculine skillset I need to call it to me, the more the masculine people in my life are beginning to embrace their femininity. They want to talk intuition and share their feelings as much as I want to talk business strategies. They want to know their purpose and confront their wounding, the same way I want to say no and think my choices through logistically.
More than ever I'm seeing how this masculine/feminine balance is how the world will change. When us empaths get real about how we hold ourselves back under the pretence of 'being kind and not caring about materialistic things', we transcend our shadow and allow the masculine energy to do the same.
If you’re new to my work:
I'm Robin —
The diarist behind the Diary of an Empath and creator of Empaths in Business, a six week course teaching empaths how to turn their good work into a business that works, with strategy, healing and support. I’d love to get to know more about you, so if you’re on Instagram, come say hello!