A Gentle Vision Board Process For When You Feel Uninspired

This year, the usual hustle-and-grind approach to goal-setting felt completely out of reach. But I've realized something important —vision boards (and life) don't have to be high-pressure. Creativity and change can happen in small, gentle steps. In this post, I’m sharing a low-pressure approach to vision boarding, perfect for those moments when inspiration feels distant but alignment still calls.

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Finding My Way Back: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Motherhood

It’s been a year since I last wrote here, a year of navigating the changes motherhood brought and finding my way back to myself. In this post, I open up about the challenges of postpartum, the moments that felt heavy, and how I began to rediscover my joy and my voice.

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Finding work/life balance as a new mom

Our little one arrived at the end of August and while there is so much good to say about maternity leaves, I’ve always known that taking time off wasn’t part of my path. I was never meant to be a stay-at-home mom. But knowing this and being able to implement it was a task. There is so much pressure on women to be primary caregivers, from a societal perspective, but also from our own bodies. For many of us, we are the baby’s food source. Our heartbeats are also the place they feel most safe and at home…

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Montréal Guide - best places to eat & explore

A student reached out this week asking for the best places to visit in Montréal, and I realized that even though I’ve spent a lot of time exploring the city over the past four years, I’ve never created a formal guide or shared my favourite spots. If you’re spending a few days, here’s what I recommend!

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Tools to slow down

Today is a Taurus new moon. And it has me thinking about how lovely it is to slow down. To actually tend to the soil of what we’re creating rather than bulldozing our way through life on default. Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is: why are we rushing? Why is faster better? And is it even better at all?

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Caring for your creativity

I used to take my creativity for granted. I’ve since learned creativity is a gift that needs to be nurtured. When I’m not looking after myself, my creativity suffers. When my creativity suffers, I am unable to express my ideas and my work is affected. If you've been coming to this realization too - here are a few ways I've learned to look after myself as a creative.

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Lessons from tax week (choosing the right energy)

This past week was tax week at the diary of an empath. Typically I try to be a bit more ahead of the game, but the last year I’ve fallen behind on a lot of things, including my own bookkeeping and needed to spend extra time this week organizing expenses, tracking down documents, and updating my spreadsheets.

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